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Directory: /Users/rjl/clawpack_src/clawpack_master/geoclaw/examples/1d_classic/okada_dtopo | |
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""" Create a dtopo file for 1d geoclaw. In this example a single fault is split into 3 subfaults for illustration. If fault.rupture_type == 'kinematic' is used then all subfaults have the same rupture time and rise time in this example. The final seafloor deformation with fault.rupture_type == 'kinematic' should be the same as if fault.rupture_type == 'static' is set, in which case all subfaults rupture simultaneously and instantaneously at 1 second. """ from pylab import * from import LAT2METER from importlib import reload from clawpack.geoclaw import dtopotools reload(dtopotools) fault = dtopotools.Fault1d() fault.subfaults = [] strike = 0. # 0 ==> top is at right in 1d, 180 ==> top at left # assuming 0 < dip <= 90 fault_top_meters = -100e3 # location x0 (in meters) at top edge in 1d longitude0 = fault_top_meters/LAT2METER # convert to degrees at latitude 0 fault_top_depth = 20e3 # depth of top below surface (meters) width = 50e3 # width of fault in 1d (down-dip direction) dip = 10. # dip in degrees theta = dip*pi/180. # dip in radians if 0: fault.rupture_type = 'static' # instantaneous and simultaneous on subfaults rupture_time = 0.0 rise_time = 0. else: fault.rupture_type = 'kinematic' # use these same values for all subfaults in this simple example: rupture_time = 0.0 rise_time = 20. average_slip = 10.0 # split into subfaults if desired: nsubfaults = 3 max_slip = 2*average_slip # if modulated by cosine hump below dlongitude = width*cos(theta)/LAT2METER / nsubfaults ddepth = width*sin(theta) / nsubfaults subfault_width = width/nsubfaults total_slip = 0. # keep track for i in range(nsubfaults): # split total slip between subfaults, starting at top subfault = dtopotools.SubFault1d() subfault.dip = dip subfault.width = subfault_width subfault.depth = fault_top_depth + ddepth*i #subfault.slip = max_slip * 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(i+0.5)/nsubfaults)) subfault.slip = average_slip # for constant slip total_slip += subfault.slip print('subfault %2i at depth %8.3f km has slip = %6.3f' \ % (i,subfault.depth/1e3,subfault.slip)) subfault.longitude = longitude0 + i*dlongitude subfault.coordinate_specification = 'top center' subfault.strike = strike subfault.rupture_time = rupture_time # all at same time subfault.rise_time = rise_time fault.subfaults.append(subfault) print('average slip = %6.3f' % (total_slip/nsubfaults)) if fault.rupture_type == 'static': tend = 1. times = [0.,tend] elif fault.rupture_type == 'kinematic': tend = 0. for s in fault.subfaults: tend = max(tend, s.rupture_time + 2*s.rise_time) times = linspace(0,tend,11) print('dtopofile will have times: ',times) xgrid,zgrid = loadtxt('', skiprows=1, unpack=True) # coarsen if desired: xgrid = linspace(xgrid[0],xgrid[-1],100) x = xgrid / LAT2METER # convert meters to longitude y = array([0,1]) # for 1d Okada dtopo2d = fault.create_dtopography(x,y,times) dtopo = dtopotools.DTopography1d() dtopo.x = dtopo2d.x * LAT2METER # convert x back from degrees to meters dtopo.times = dtopo2d.times dtopo.dZ = dtopo2d.dZ[:,0,:] # should be constant in y, remove that index fname = 'dtopo_okada.dtt1' dtopo.write(fname, dtopo_type=1) print('Created ',fname) if 1: # make plots figure(351,figsize=(6,8)) clf() #dz = dtopo.dZ[-1,:] # slice in x at final time #plot(dtopo.x,dz) subplot(211) for k in range(1,len(times)): plot(dtopo.x/1e3, dtopo.dZ[k,:],label='t = %6.2fs' % times[k]) title('Okada seafloor deformation') legend(loc='upper right',fontsize=6) xticks(rotation=20) xlim(dtopo.x[0]/1e3,dtopo.x[-1]/1e3) xlabel('kilometers') ylabel('meters') grid(linewidth=0.5) subplot(212) for k,subfault in enumerate(fault.subfaults): xtop = subfault.longitude * LAT2METER xbottom = xtop + subfault.width*cos(subfault.dip*pi/180) ytop = -subfault.depth ybottom = ytop - subfault.width*sin(subfault.dip*pi/180) plot([xtop/1e3,xbottom/1e3],[ytop/1e3,ybottom/1e3], label='subfault %i' % k) title('Subfaults') legend(loc='upper right') xlim(dtopo.x[0]/1e3,dtopo.x[-1]/1e3) xticks(rotation=20) xlabel('kilometers') ylabel('kilometers below seafloor') ylim(1.1*ybottom/1e3,0) grid(linewidth=0.5) tight_layout() fname = 'dtopo_okada.png' savefig(fname) print('Created ',fname)