qinit_module.f90.html | |
Source file: qinit_module.f90 | |
Directory: /Users/rjl/clawpack_src/clawpack_master/geoclaw/examples/multi-layer/plane_wave | |
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module qinit_module implicit none save logical, private :: module_setup = .false. ! Type of q initialization integer, public :: qinit_type integer, public :: min_level_qinit integer, public :: max_level_qinit ! Geometry real(kind=8), public :: x_low_qinit real(kind=8), public :: y_low_qinit real(kind=8), public :: t_low_qinit real(kind=8), public :: x_hi_qinit real(kind=8), public :: y_hi_qinit real(kind=8), public :: t_hi_qinit real(kind=8), public :: dx_qinit real(kind=8), public :: dy_qinit ! Work array real(kind=8), private, allocatable :: qinit(:) integer, private :: mx_qinit integer, private :: my_qinit ! Specifc types of intialization ! Type of perturbation to add integer, private :: wave_family real(kind=8), private :: init_location(2), epsilon real(kind=8), private :: angle, sigma contains subroutine set_qinit(fname) use geoclaw_module, only: GEO_PARM_UNIT implicit none ! Subroutine arguments character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: fname ! File handling character(len=150) :: qinit_fname integer, parameter :: unit = 7 character(len=150) :: x if (.not.module_setup) then write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) 'SETQINIT:' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '-------------' ! Open the data file if (present(fname)) then call opendatafile(unit,fname) else call opendatafile(unit,"qinit.data") endif read(unit,"(i1)") qinit_type if (qinit_type == 0) then ! No perturbation specified write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' qinit_type = 0, no perturbation' print *,' qinit_type = 0, no perturbation' return else if (qinit_type > 0 .and. qinit_type < 5) then read(unit,*) qinit_fname read(unit,"(2i2)") min_level_qinit, max_level_qinit write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' min_level, max_level, qinit_fname:' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) min_level_qinit, max_level_qinit, qinit_fname call read_qinit(qinit_fname) else if (qinit_type >= 5) then read(unit,*) epsilon read(unit,*) init_location read(unit,*) wave_family read(unit,*) angle read(unit,*) sigma write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) " epsilon = ", epsilon write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) " init_location = ", init_location write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) " wave_family = ", wave_family write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) " angle = ", angle write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) " sigma = ", sigma endif close(unit) module_setup = .true. end if end subroutine set_qinit subroutine add_perturbation(meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower,dx,dy,q,maux,aux) use geoclaw_module, only: sea_level, pi, g => grav, rho use multilayer_module, only: aux_layer_index, r, eta_init implicit none ! Subroutine arguments integer, intent(in) :: meqn,mbc,mx,my,maux real(kind=8), intent(in) :: xlower,ylower,dx,dy real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: q(meqn,1-mbc:mx+mbc,1-mbc:my+mbc) real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: aux(maux,1-mbc:mx+mbc,1-mbc:my+mbc) ! Local integer :: i,j real(kind=8) :: ximc,xim,x,xc,xip,xipc,yjmc,yjm,y,yc,yjp,yjpc,dq real(kind=8) :: xmid,m,x_c,y_c, effective_b real(kind=8) :: eigen_vector(6),gamma,lambda,alpha,h_1,h_2,deta ! Topography integral function real(kind=8) :: topointegral if (qinit_type == 4) then do i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc x = xlower + (i - 0.5d0)*dx xim = x - 0.5d0 * dx xip = x + 0.5d0 * dx do j = 1-mbc, my+mbc y = ylower + (j - 0.5d0) * dy yjm = y - 0.5d0 * dy yjp = y + 0.5d0 * dy ! Check to see if we are in the qinit region at this grid point if ((xip > x_low_qinit).and.(xim < x_hi_qinit).and. & (yjp > y_low_qinit).and.(yjm < y_hi_qinit)) then xipc = min(xip, x_hi_qinit) ximc = max(xim, x_low_qinit) yjpc=min(yjp,y_hi_qinit) yjmc=max(yjm,y_low_qinit) dq = topointegral(ximc,xipc,yjmc,yjpc,x_low_qinit, & y_low_qinit,dx_qinit,dy_qinit,mx_qinit, & my_qinit,qinit,1) dq = dq / ((xipc-ximc)*(yjpc-yjmc)) effective_b = max(aux(1,i,j), eta_init(2)) q(1,i,j) = max((dq-effective_b) * rho(1),0.d0) endif enddo enddo else if (qinit_type > 4) then do i=1,mx x = xlower + (i - 0.5d0) * dx do j=1,my y = ylower + (j - 0.5d0) * dy ! Test perturbations - these only work in the x-direction if (qinit_type == 5 .or. qinit_type == 6) then ! Calculate wave family for perturbation gamma = aux(aux_layer_index+1,i,j) / aux(aux_layer_index,i,j) select case(wave_family) case(1) ! Shallow water, left-going alpha = 0.5d0 * (gamma - 1.d0 + sqrt((gamma-1.d0)**2+4.d0*r*gamma)) lambda = -sqrt(g*aux(aux_layer_index,i,j)*(1.d0+alpha)) case(2) ! Internal wave, left-going alpha = 0.5d0 * (gamma - 1.d0 - sqrt((gamma-1.d0)**2+4.d0*r*gamma)) lambda = -sqrt(g*aux(aux_layer_index,i,j)*(1.d0+alpha)) case(3) ! Internal wave, right-going alpha = 0.5d0 * (gamma - 1.d0 - sqrt((gamma-1.d0)**2+4.d0*r*gamma)) lambda = sqrt(g*aux(aux_layer_index,i,j)*(1.d0+alpha)) case(4) ! Shallow water, right-going alpha = 0.5d0 * (gamma - 1.d0 + sqrt((gamma-1.d0)**2+4.d0*r*gamma)) lambda = sqrt(g*aux(aux_layer_index,i,j)*(1.d0+alpha)) end select eigen_vector = [1.d0,lambda,0.d0,alpha,lambda*alpha,0.d0] if (qinit_type == 5) then ! Add perturbation if ((x < init_location(1)).and.(wave_family >= 3)) then q(1:3,i,j) = q(1:3,i,j) + rho(1) * epsilon * eigen_vector(1:3) q(4:6,i,j) = q(4:6,i,j) + rho(2) * epsilon * eigen_vector(4:6) else if ((x > init_location(1)).and.(wave_family < 3)) then q(1:2,i,j) = q(1:2,i,j) + rho(1) * epsilon * eigen_vector(1:2) q(4:5,i,j) = q(4:5,i,j) + rho(2) * epsilon * eigen_vector(4:5) endif ! Gaussian wave along a direction on requested wave family else if (qinit_type == 6) then ! Transform back to computational coordinates x_c = x * cos(angle) + y * sin(angle) - init_location(1) deta = epsilon * exp(-(x_c/sigma)**2) q(1,i,j) = q(1,i,j) + rho(1) * deta q(4,i,j) = q(4,i,j) + rho(2) * alpha * deta endif ! Symmetric gaussian hump else if (qinit_type == 7) then deta = epsilon * exp(-((x-init_location(1))/sigma)**2) & * exp(-((y-init_location(2))/sigma)**2) q(1,i,j) = q(1,i,j) + rho(1) * deta ! Shelf conditions from AN paper else if (qinit_type == 8) then alpha = 0.d0 xmid = 0.5d0*(-180.e3 - 80.e3) if ((x > -130.e3).and.(x < -80.e3)) then deta = epsilon * sin((x-xmid)*pi/(-80.e3-xmid)) q(4,i,j) = q(4,i,j) + rho(2) * alpha * deta q(1,i,j) = q(1,i,j) + rho(1) * deta * (1.d0 - alpha) endif ! Inundation test else if (qinit_type == 9) then x_c = (x - init_location(1)) * cos(angle) & + (y - init_location(2)) * sin(angle) deta = epsilon * exp(-(x_c/sigma)**2) q(1,i,j) = q(1,i,j) + rho(1) * deta endif enddo enddo endif end subroutine add_perturbation ! currently only supports one file type: ! x,y,z values, one per line in standard order from NW corner to SE ! z is perturbation from standard depth h,hu,hv set in qinit_geo, ! if iqinit = 1,2, or 3 respectively. ! if iqinit = 4, the z column corresponds to the definition of the ! surface elevation eta. The depth is then set as q(i,j,1)=max(eta-b,0) subroutine read_qinit(fname) use geoclaw_module, only: GEO_PARM_UNIT implicit none ! Subroutine arguments character(len=150) :: fname ! Data file opening integer, parameter :: unit = 19 integer :: i,num_points,status double precision :: x,y print *,' ' print *,'Reading qinit data from file ', fname print *,' ' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) 'Reading qinit data from' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) fname write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ' open(unit=unit, file=fname, iostat=status, status="unknown", & form='formatted',action="read") if ( status /= 0 ) then print *,"Error opening file", fname stop endif ! Initialize counters num_points = 0 mx_qinit = 0 ! Read in first values, determines x_low and y_hi read(unit,*) x_low_qinit,y_hi_qinit num_points = num_points + 1 mx_qinit = mx_qinit + 1 ! Sweep through first row figuring out mx y = y_hi_qinit do while (y_hi_qinit == y) read(unit,*) x,y num_points = num_points + 1 mx_qinit = mx_qinit + 1 enddo ! We over count by one in the above loop mx_qinit = mx_qinit - 1 ! Continue to count the rest of the lines do read(unit,*,iostat=status) x,y if (status /= 0) exit num_points = num_points + 1 enddo if (status > 0) then print *,"ERROR: Error reading qinit file ",fname stop endif ! Extract rest of geometry x_hi_qinit = x y_low_qinit = y my_qinit = num_points / mx_qinit dx_qinit = (x_hi_qinit - x_low_qinit) / (mx_qinit-1) dy_qinit = (y_hi_qinit - y_low_qinit) / (my_qinit-1) rewind(unit) allocate(qinit(num_points)) ! Read and store the data this time do i=1,num_points read(unit,*) x,y,qinit(i) enddo close(unit) end subroutine read_qinit end module qinit_module