![]() | Text provided under a Creative Commons Attribution license, CC-BY. All code is made available under the FSF-approved MIT license. (c) Kyle T. Mandli |
This object contains a time series of time data that describe a particular storm. This includes the attributes below and the ability to read from multiple sources for data such as the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC), the Japanese Meterological Agency (JMA), and the Indian Meteorlogical Department (IMD). This class can then write out in any of these formats, construct the wind and pressure fields using a supported parameterized model, or output the GeoClaw supported storm format used for running storm surge simulations.
Important Point - Python data container for time series description of a storm
in lots of storm formats (e.g. ATCF, HURDAT, JMA)
out in some storm formats (e.g. GeoClaw, ATCF, HURDAT)
storm track and intensity
of storm given a categorization scheme
of a storm given a parameterization (e.g. Holland 1980, CLE 2015)# Storm parameters - Parameterized storm (Holland 1980)
data.storm_specification_type = 'holland80' # (type 1)
data.storm_file = os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ike.storm'))
# Convert ATCF data to GeoClaw format
atcf_path = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "bal092008.dat")
# Note that the get_remote_file function does not support gzip files which
# are not also tar files. The following code handles this
with gzip.open(".".join((atcf_path, 'gz')), 'rb') as atcf_file, \
open(atcf_path, 'w') as atcf_unzipped_file:
# Read in unzipped file
ike = Storm(path=atcf_path, file_format="ATCF")
# Calculate landfall time - Need to specify as the file above does not
# include this info (9/13/2008 ~ 7 UTC)
ike.time_offset = datetime.datetime(2008, 9, 13, 7)
# Write storm data to GeoClaw format
ike.write(data.storm_file, file_format='geoclaw')
GeoClaw Storm Format
-1.04040000e+06 -3.70000000e+01 1.72000000e+01 1.54333332e+01 1.66680000e+05 1.00600000e+05 4.63000000e+05
-1.01880000e+06 -3.84000000e+01 1.73000000e+01 1.80055554e+01 1.66680000e+05 1.00500000e+05 4.63000000e+05
-9.97200000e+05 -3.99000000e+01 1.75000000e+01 2.31499998e+01 1.66680000e+05 1.00300000e+05 4.63000000e+05
-9.75600000e+05 -4.13000000e+01 1.78000000e+01 2.31499998e+01 3.70400000e+04 1.00200000e+05 4.63000000e+05
-9.54000000e+05 -4.28000000e+01 1.82000000e+01 2.31499998e+01 3.70400000e+04 1.00000000e+05 5.09300000e+05
-9.32400000e+05 -4.43000000e+01 1.87000000e+01 2.57222220e+01 1.66680000e+05 9.99000000e+04 4.63000000e+05
import os
import gzip
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from clawpack.geoclaw.surge.storm import Storm
import clawpack.clawutil as clawutil
# Scratch directory for storing topo and dtopo files:
scratch_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["CLAW"], 'geoclaw', 'scratch')
# Convert ATCF data to GeoClaw format
atcf_path = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "bal092008.dat")
# Note that the get_remote_file function does not support gzip files which
# are not also tar files. The following code handles this
with gzip.open(".".join((atcf_path, 'gz')), 'rb') as atcf_file, \
open(atcf_path, 'w') as atcf_unzipped_file:
# Uncomment/comment out to use the old version of the Ike storm file
# ike = Storm(path="old_ike.storm", file_format="ATCF")
ike = Storm(path=atcf_path, file_format="ATCF")
# Calculate landfall time - Need to specify as the file above does not
# include this info (9/13/2008 ~ 7 UTC)
ike.time_offset = datetime.datetime(2008, 9, 13, 7)
# Plot - Incorporated into the head branch
fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
category_color = {5: 'red',
4: 'yellow',
3: 'orange',
2: 'green',
1: 'blue',
0: 'gray'}
category = ike.category(categorization="NHC")
longitude = ike.eye_location[:, 0]
latitude = ike.eye_location[:, 1]
for i in range(len(longitude)):
color = category_color[category[i]]
axes.plot(longitude[i:i + 2], latitude[i:i + 2], color=color)
axes.set_title("Hurricane Ike Track")
Parameterizations: Holland 1980, Holland 2010, CLE, SLOSH, Rankine, Modified Rankine, deMaria, Willoughby
Added to both the Python and Fortran code.
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Parameters
N = 1000
radius = 100e3
Pn = 1005
Pc = 950
A = 23.0
B = 1.5
rho_air = 1.15
OMEGA = 7.2722052166430395e-5
THETA_0 = 0.52359877559829882
f = 2.0 * OMEGA * numpy.sin(THETA_0)
f = 0.0
# Evaluate profiles
x = numpy.concatenate((numpy.linspace(-radius, -0.01, N),
numpy.linspace(0.01, radius, N)), axis=0)
r = numpy.abs(x) * 1e-3
p = Pc + (Pn - Pc) * numpy.exp(-A/(r)**B)
C = 1e1**2 *A * B * (Pn - Pc) / (rho_air)
v = numpy.sqrt(C * numpy.exp(-A / r**B) / r**B + r**2 * f**2 / 4.0) - r * f / 2.0
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_figwidth(fig.get_figwidth() * 2)
# Convert to kms
x /= 1e3
axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
axes.plot(x, v)
axes.set_title("Wind Velocity Profile")
axes.set_xlim([numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x)])
axes.set_ylim([0.0, numpy.max(v) + 5])
axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
axes.plot(x, p)
axes.set_title("Pressure Profile")
axes.set_xlim([numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x)])
axes.set_ylim([Pc - 5, Pn + 5])