.. _about:
About this software
Clawpack stands for "Conservation Laws Package" and was initially developed
for linear and nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, with a
focus on implementing high-resolution Godunov type methods using limiters in
a general framework applicable to many applications. These finite volume
methods require a "Riemann solver" to resolve the jump discontinuity at the
interface between two grid cells into waves propagating into the neighboring
cells. The formulation used in Clawpack allows easy extension to
the solution of hyperbolic problems that are not in conservation form.
See :ref:`wp_algorithms` for a brief description of the finite volume
methods used in Clawpack and :ref:`riemann` for a description of the
subroutine(s) needed to specify the hyperbolic equation being solved.
Adaptive mesh refinement is included, see :ref:`amrclaw`, and routines
specialized to depth-averaged geophysical flows can be found in
The :ref:`pyclaw` software provides a more pythonic interface and
parallelism that scales to tens of thousands of cores.
New users may wish to read :ref:`clawpack_packages` before starting.
The "wave propagation" algorithms implemented in Clawpack are discribed in
detail in the book *Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems*
Virtually all of the figures in this book were generated using Clawpack
(version 4.3).
See :ref:`fvmbook` for a list of available examples with pointers to the codes
and resulting plots.
See the :ref:`biblio` for some pointers to papers describing Clawpack and
the algorithms used in more detail.
Clawpack is distributed under the terms of the
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license.
See :ref:`license` for details.
.. _authors:
Many people have contributed to the development of Clawpack since its
inception in 1994.
Major algorithmic and software design contributions have been made by the
following individuals:
* Randall J. LeVeque, University of Washington,
`@rjleveque `_.
* Marsha Berger, Courant Institute, NYU,
`@mjberger `_.
* Jan Olav Langseth, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment.
* David George, USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory,
`@dlgeorge `_.
* David Ketcheson, KAUST
`@ketch `_.
* Kyle Mandli, UT-Austin,
`@mandli `_.
Other major contributors include:
* Aron Ahmadia,
`@ahmadia `_.
* Amal Alghamdi,
`@amal-ghamdi `_.
* Ian Bolliger,
`@bolliger32 `_.
* Peter Blossey.
* Donna Calhoun,
`@donnaboise `_.
* Ondřej Čertík,
`@certik `_.
* Brisa Davis,
`@BrisaDavis `_.
* Grady Lemoine,
`@gradylemoine `_.
* Sorin Mitran.
* Matteo Parsani,
`@mparsani `_.
* Xinsheng Qin
`@xinshengqin `_.
* Avi Schwarzschild
`@aks2203 `_.
* Andy Terrel,
`@aterrel `_.
* Chris Vogl,
`@cjvogl `_.
Numerous students and other users have also contributed towards this software,
by finding bugs, suggesting improvements, and exploring its use on new
applications. Thank you!
.. _citing:
Citing this work
If you use Clawpack in publications, please cite the software itself as
well, with a citation similar to the following::
Clawpack Development Team (2024), Clawpack Version 5.11.0,
http://www.clawpack.org, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13376470
Here's the bibtex::
title={Clawpack software},
author={{Clawpack Development Team}},
note={Version 5.11.0},
Please fill in the version number that you used, and its year, with the
appropriate DOI from `Zenodo `_, if available.
See :ref:`releases`.
It is best to refer to the particular release used to obtain your results,
As a general DOI, if you need to refer to multiple past releases,
or to cite Clawpack more generally, you can also use the DOI
`10.17605/osf.io/kmw6h `__,
which links to a page with tar files for all recent releases.
Also please cite the `recent article `_::
Mandli, K.T., Ahmadia, A.J., Berger, M.J., Calhoun, D.A., George, D.L.,
Hadjimichael, Y., Ketcheson, D.I., Lemoine, G.I., LeVeque, R.J., 2016.
Clawpack: building an open source ecosystem for solving hyperbolic PDEs.
PeerJ Computer Science. doi:10.7717/peerj-cs.68
Here's the bibtex::
title={Clawpack: building an open source ecosystem for solving hyperbolic PDEs},
author={Mandli, Kyle T and Ahmadia, Aron J and Berger, Marsha and Calhoun, Donna
and George, David L and Hadjimichael, Yiannis and Ketcheson, David I
and Lemoine, Grady I and LeVeque, Randall J},
journal={PeerJ Computer Science},
publisher={PeerJ Inc.},
doi={10.7717/peerj-cs.68} }
Please also cite at least one of the following regarding the algorithms used
in Clawpack (click the links for bibtex citations):
* Classic algorithms in 1d and 2d: [LeVeque97]_, [LeVeque-FVMHP]_
* 3d classic algorithms: [LangsethLeVeque00]_
* AMR: [BergerLeVeque98]_
* f-wave algorithms: [BaleLevMitRoss02]_
* GeoClaw: [BergerGeorgeLeVequeMandli11]_, [LeVequeGeorgeBerger]_
* High-order method-of-lines algorithms (SharpClaw): [KetParLev13]_
* PyClaw: [KetchesonMandliEtAl]_
.. _funding:
Development of this software has been supported in part by
* NSF Grants DMS-8657319, DMS-9204329, DMS-9303404, DMS-9505021,
DMS-96226645, DMS-9803442, DMS-0106511, CMS-0245206, DMS-0609661,
DMS-0914942, DMS-1216732, EAR-1331412, CMMI-1536198.
* DOE Grants DE-FG06-93ER25181, DE-FG03-96ER25292, DE-FG02-88ER25053,
DE-FG02-92ER25139, DE-FG03-00ER2592, DE-FC02-01ER25474.
* AFOSR grant F49620-94-0132.
* NIH grant 5R01AR53652-2.
* ONR grant N00014-09-1-0649.
* The Norwegian Research Council (NFR) through the program no. 101039/420.
* The Scientific Computing Division at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR).
* The Boeing Professorship and the Founders Term Professorship in the
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington.
* University of Washington CoMotion Fellowship.
* Grants from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
* Contracts from Washington State Emergency Management Division, with
funding from the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program.
* Contracts from the NASA Asteroid Threat Assessment Project, Planetary
Defense Coordination Office.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views
of these agencies.