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1 c
18 c =========================================
19  logical function allowflag(x,y,t,level)
20 c =========================================
22 c # Indicate whether the grid point at (x,y,t) at this refinement level
23 c # is allowed to be flagged for further refinement.
24 c
25 c # This is useful if you wish to zoom in on some structure in a
26 c # known location but don't want the same level of refinement elsewhere.
27 c # Points are flagged only if one of the errors is greater than the
28 c # corresponding tolerance.
29 c
30 c # For example, to allow refinement of Level 1 grids everywhere but
31 c # of finer grids only for y >= 0.4:
32 c # allowed(x,y,t,level) = (level.le.1 .or. y.ge.0.4d0)
33 c
34 c # This routine is called from routine flag2refine.
35 c # If Richardson error estimates are used (if flag_richardson is true)
36 c # then this routine is also called from errf1.
38  implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
40 c # default version allows refinement anywhere:
41  allowflag = .true.
43  return
44  end
logical function allowflag(x, y, t, level)
Indicate whether the grid point at (x,y,t) at this refinement level is allowed to be flagged for furt...
Definition: allowflag.f:20