7 c ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 subroutine flagcheck(rectflags,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,mbuff,iflags,
10 . imin,imax,jmin,jmax,mptr)
13 implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
15 dimension rectflags(ilo-mbuff:ihi+mbuff,jlo-mbuff:jhi+mbuff)
16 integer*1 iflags(ilo-mbuff:ihi+mbuff,jlo-mbuff:jhi+mbuff)
18 c should really only
check interior border cells here
22 c want to
check all cells for flagging, including buffer
23 c but wrap
if periodic when put on list
24 c
if not periodic no need to
check if outside
domain 29 if (rectflags(i,j) .eq.
go to 10
30 if (iflags(i,j) .ne. 1)
then 34 100
"turning off point ",2i5,
" from grid ",i5)
subroutine flagcheck(rectflags, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff, iflags,
Check if every cell in grid mptr is properly nested in base level grids (base level in current refine...
integer, dimension(nsize, maxgr) node
integer, parameter nestlevel
AMR level of the grid.
real(kind=8), parameter goodpt
subroutine check(nsteps, time, nvar, naux)
integer, parameter outunit
subroutine domain(nvar, vtime, nx, ny, naux, start_time)
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...