56 character(len=14) :: file_name
59 real(kind=8) :: x, y, t_start, t_end
62 real(kind=8) :: last_time
65 integer :: file_format
66 real(kind=8) :: min_time_increment
67 character(len=10) :: display_format
68 logical,
allocatable :: q_out_vars(:)
69 logical,
allocatable :: aux_out_vars(:)
70 integer :: num_out_vars
73 real(kind=8),
allocatable :: data(:, :)
77 integer :: buffer_index
89 subroutine set_gauges(restart, num_eqn, num_aux, fname)
92 use utility_module
, only: get_value_count
97 logical,
intent(in) :: restart
98 integer :: num_eqn, num_aux
99 character(len=*),
optional :: fname
102 integer :: i, n, index
103 integer :: num, pos, digit
104 integer,
parameter :: UNIT = 7
105 character(len=128) :: header_1
106 character(len=40) :: q_column, aux_column
111 if (
then 129 gauges(i)%buffer_index = 1
148 allocate(
149 read(unit, *)
152 gauges(i)%num_out_vars = 0
153 do n = 1,
gauges(i)%q_out_vars, 1)
154 if (
then 161 if (num_aux > 0)
then 165 allocate(
166 read(unit, *)
169 do n = 1,
gauges(i)%aux_out_vars, 1)
170 if (
then 187 gauges(i)%file_name =
'gaugexxxxx.txt' 191 gauges(i)%file_name(pos:pos) = char(ichar(
'0') + digit)
198 status=
'old', position=
'append', form=
201 status=
'unknown', position=
'append', form=
205 header_1 =
"('# gauge_id= ',i5,' " // &
206 "location=( ',1e17.10,' ',1e17.10,' ) " // &
216 do n=1,
gauges(i)%q_out_vars, 1)
217 if (
then 218 write(q_column(3 * index + 2:4 + 3 * index),
"(i3)") n
222 q_column(3 * index + 2:4 + 3 * index) =
"]" 226 if (
then 227 do n=1,
gauges(i)%aux_out_vars, 1)
228 if (
then 229 write(aux_column(3 * index + 2:4 + 3 * index),
"(i3)") n
234 aux_column(3 * index + 2:4 + 3 * index) =
"]" 237 trim(q_column),
", aux", &
266 integer :: lev, mptr, i, k1, ki
295 print *,
"ERROR in setting grid src for gauge data", i
342 subroutine update_gauges(q, aux, xlow, ylow, num_eqn, mitot, mjtot, num_aux, &
368 integer,
intent(in) :: num_eqn, mitot, mjtot, num_aux, mptr
369 real(kind=8),
intent(in) :: q(num_eqn, mitot, mjtot)
370 real(kind=8),
intent(in) :: aux(num_aux, mitot, mjtot)
371 real(kind=8),
intent(in) :: xlow, ylow
374 real(kind=8) :: var(maxvar +
375 real(kind=8) :: xcent, ycent, xoff, yoff, tgrid, hx, hy
376 integer :: i, j, i1, i2, iindex, jindex, n, ii, index, level, var_index
392 tgrid = rnode(timemult, mptr)
393 level = node(nestlevel, mptr)
401 print *,
'*** should not happen... i, ii, mbestsrc(ii), mptr:' 405 if (tgrid <
gauges(ii)%t_start .or. tgrid >
then 410 if (tgrid -
gauges(ii)%last_time <
then 416 iindex = int(.5d0 + (
gauges(ii)%x - xlow) / hx)
417 jindex = int(.5d0 + (
gauges(ii)%y - ylow) / hy)
418 if ((iindex < nghost .or. iindex > mitot-nghost) .or. &
419 (jindex < nghost .or. jindex > mjtot-nghost))
then 420 print *,
"ERROR in output of Gauge Data " 422 xcent = xlow + (iindex - 0.5d0) * hx
423 ycent = ylow + (jindex - 0.5d0) * hy
424 xoff = (
gauges(ii)%x - xcent) / hx
425 yoff = (
gauges(ii)%y - ycent) / hy
441 do n = 1,
gauges(ii)%q_out_vars, 1)
442 if (
then 443 var_index = var_index + 1
444 var(var_index) = (1.d0 - xoff) * (1.d0 - yoff) * q(n, iindex, jindex) &
445 + xoff * (1.d0 - yoff) * q(n, iindex + 1, jindex) &
446 + (1.d0 - xoff) * yoff * q(n, iindex, jindex + 1) &
447 + xoff * yoff * q(n, iindex + 1, jindex + 1)
451 if (
then 452 do n = 1,
gauges(ii)%aux_out_vars, 1)
453 if (
then 454 var_index = var_index + 1
455 var(var_index) = (1.d0 - xoff) * (1.d0 - yoff) * aux(n, iindex, jindex) &
456 + xoff * (1.d0 - yoff) * aux(n, iindex + 1, jindex) &
457 + (1.d0 - xoff) * yoff * aux(n, iindex, jindex + 1) &
458 + xoff * yoff * aux(n, iindex + 1, jindex + 1)
464 if (
gauges(ii)%num_out_vars /= var_index)
then 465 print *,
gauges(ii)%num_out_vars, var_index
466 print *,
467 print *,
468 stop
"Somehow we did not grab all the values we wanted..." 472 do j = 1,
473 if (abs(var(j)) < 1d-90) var(j) = 0.d0
477 index =
479 gauges(ii)%level(index) = level
480 gauges(ii)%data(1,index) = tgrid
481 do j = 1,
482 gauges(ii)%data(1 + j, index) = var(j)
485 gauges(ii)%buffer_index = index + 1
490 gauges(ii)%last_time = tgrid
504 integer,
intent(in) :: gauge_num
507 integer :: j, k, myunit
508 integer :: omp_get_thread_num, mythread
509 character(len=32) :: out_format
517 if (
gauges(gauge_num)%file_format == 1)
then 520 write(out_format,
"(A7, i2, A6, A1)")
"(i5.2,", &
521 gauges(gauge_num)%num_out_vars + 1,
")" 523 open(unit=myunit, file=
gauges(gauge_num)%file_name, status=
'old', &
524 position=
'append', form=
529 do j = 1,
gauges(gauge_num)%buffer_index - 1
530 write(myunit, out_format)
gauges(gauge_num)%level(j), &
531 (
gauges(gauge_num)%data(k, j), k=1,
gauges(gauge_num)%num_out_vars + 1)
533 gauges(gauge_num)%buffer_index = 1
538 print *,
"Unhandled file format ",
integer, dimension(:), allocatable mbestorder
integer, parameter timemult
current simulation time on this grid
integer, parameter maxvar
subroutine print_gauges_and_reset_nextloc(gauge_num)
integer, parameter cornxlo
x-coordinate of the left border of this grid
subroutine qsorti(ORD, N, A)
real(kind=8), dimension(maxlv) hyposs
real(kind=8), dimension(maxlv) hxposs
integer, dimension(nsize, maxgr) node
subroutine update_gauges(q, aux, xlow, ylow, num_eqn, mitot, mjtot, num_aux, mptr)
subroutine set_gauges(restart, num_eqn, num_aux, fname)
integer, parameter nestlevel
AMR level of the grid.
real(kind=8), dimension(rsize, maxgr) rnode
type(gauge_type), dimension(:), allocatable gauges
integer, dimension(maxlv) lstart
integer, parameter maxaux
integer, dimension(:), allocatable igauge
integer, parameter max_buffer
integer, parameter outgaugeunit
subroutine opendatafile(iunit, fname)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable mbestg2
integer, parameter cornylo
y-coordinate of the lower border of this grid
integer, parameter levelptr
node number (index) of next grid on the same level
logical, private module_setup
integer, parameter cornxhi
x-coordinate of the right border of this grid
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable mbestg1
integer, dimension(:), allocatable mbestsrc
integer, parameter cornyhi
y-coordinate of the upper border of this grid