24 subroutine griddomshrink(iflags2,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,mbuff,iflags,
28 implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
31 integer*1 iflags (ilo-mbuff:ihi+mbuff,jlo-mbuff:jhi+mbuff)
32 integer*1 iflags2(ilo-mbuff:ihi+mbuff,jlo-mbuff:jhi+mbuff)
37 write(
" from griddomshrink: on entry, iflags2" 38 do 10 j = jhi+mbuff,jlo-mbuff,-1
39 write(
46 do 40 j = jlo-mbuff+1,jhi+mbuff-1
47 do 40 i = ilo-mbuff+1,ihi+mbuff-1
48 iflags(i,j) = iflags2(i,j)
49 if (iflags2(i ,j ) .le. 0 .or.
50 1 iflags2(i+1,j ) .le. 0 .or. iflags2(i-1,j ) .le. 0 .or.
51 2 iflags2(i+1,j+1) .le. 0 .or. iflags2(i-1,j+1) .le. 0 .or.
52 3 iflags2(i ,j-1) .le. 0 .or. iflags2(i ,j+1) .le. 0 .or.
53 4 iflags2(i+1,j-1) .le. 0 .or. iflags2(i-1,j-1) .le. 0)
then 56 iflags(ilo-mbuff,j) = 0
57 iflags(ihi+mbuff,j) = 0
59 do i = ilo-mbuff,ihi+mbuff
60 iflags(i,jlo-mbuff) = 0
61 iflags(i,jhi+mbuff) = 0
74 write(
" from griddomshrink: on exit, iflags" 75 do 70 j = jhi+mbuff-1, jlo-mbuff+1, -1
76 write(
subroutine setphysbndryflags(iflags, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff, level)
If grid borders the physical domain then set domain flags to 1 in buffer zone (which is outside the p...
subroutine griddomshrink(iflags2, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff, iflags, level)
Shrink domain flags one cell for allowable properly nested domain This is needed even for lcheck = lb...
integer, parameter outunit
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...