18 recursive subroutine prefilrecur(level,nvar,valbig,auxbig,naux,time,mitot,mjtot, &
19 nrowst,ncolst,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iglo,ighi,jglo,jghi,patchOnly)
29 integer,
intent(in) :: level, nvar, naux, mitot, mjtot
30 integer,
intent(in) :: ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iglo,ighi,jglo,jghi
31 real(kind=8),
intent(in) :: time
37 real(kind=8),
intent(in out) :: valbig(nvar,mitot,mjtot)
38 real(kind=8),
intent(in out) :: auxbig(naux,mitot,mjtot)
41 integer :: i, j, ii, jj, ivar, ng, i1, i2, j1, j2, nrowst, ncolst
42 integer :: iputst, jputst, mi, mj, locpatch, locpaux
43 integer :: jbump, iwrap1, iwrap2, jwrap1, tmp, locflip, rect(4)
44 real(kind=8) :: xlwrap, ybwrap
48 integer :: ist(3), iend(3), jst(3), jend(3), ishift(3), jshift(3)
49 real(kind=8) :: scratch(max(mitot,mjtot)*nghost*nvar)
50 real(kind=8) :: scratchaux(max(mitot,mjtot)*nghost*naux)
53 real(kind=8) :: valPatch((ihi-ilo+1) * (jhi-jlo+1) * nvar)
54 real(kind=8) :: auxPatch((ihi-ilo+1) * (jhi-jlo+1) * naux)
69 ist(3) = iregsz(level)
71 iend(2) = iregsz(level)-1
73 ishift(1) = iregsz(level)
75 ishift(3) = -iregsz(level)
77 ist(1) = iregsz(level)
79 ist(3) = iregsz(level)
91 jst(3) = jregsz(level)
93 jend(2) = jregsz(level)-1
95 jshift(1) = jregsz(level)
97 jshift(3) = -jregsz(level)
99 jst(1) = jregsz(level)
101 jst(3) = jregsz(level)
117 i1 = max(ilo, ist(i))
118 i2 = min(ihi, iend(i))
119 if (i1 .gt. i2)
go to 20
122 j1 = max(jlo, jst(j))
123 j2 = min(jhi, jend(j))
131 if (mi .gt. (ihi-ilo+1) .or. mj .gt. (jhi-jlo+1))
then 132 write(*,*)
" prefilp: not big enough dimension" 135 call auxcopyin(auxpatch,mi,mj,auxbig,mitot,mjtot,naux,i1,i2,j1,j2, &
138 call filrecur(level,nvar,valpatch,auxpatch,naux,time,mi,mj, &
139 1,1,i1+ishift(i),i2+ishift(i),j1+jshift(j),j2+jshift(j),.true.,msrc)
141 call patchcopyout(nvar,valpatch,mi,mj,valbig,mitot,mjtot,i1,i2,j1,j2, &
151 if (j1 < 0) jbump = abs(j1)
152 if (j2 >= jregsz(level)) jbump = -(j2+1-jregsz(level))
155 iwrap1 = i1 + ishift(i)
156 iwrap2 = i2 + ishift(i)
158 iwrap1 = iregsz(level) - iwrap1 -1
159 iwrap2 = iregsz(level) - iwrap2 -1
166 xlwrap = xlower + iwrap1*
167 ybwrap = ylower + jwrap1*
174 rect = [iwrap1,iwrap2,j1+jbump,j2+jbump]
175 call filrecur(level,nvar,scratch,scratchaux,naux,time,mi, &
176 mj,1,1,iwrap1,iwrap2,j1+jbump,j2+jbump,.false.,msrc)
185 valbig(ivar,nrowst+(ii-ilo),ncolst+(jj-jlo)) = &
200 integer pure function iadd(n,i,j)
202 integer,
intent(in) :: n, i, j
203 iadd = locflip + n-1 + nvar*((j-1)*mi+i-1)
208 integer,
intent(in) :: n, i, j
218 subroutine patchcopyout(nvar,valpatch,mi,mj,valbig,mitot,mjtot,i1,i2,j1,j2,iglo,jglo)
227 integer :: mi, mj, nvar, mitot, mjtot, i1, i2,j1, j2, iglo, ighi, jglo, jghi
230 real(kind=8),
intent(in out) :: valbig(nvar,mitot,mjtot)
231 real(kind=8),
intent(in out) :: valpatch(nvar,mi,mj)
243 valbig(:,ist:ist+mi-1, jst:jst+mj-1) = valpatch
249 subroutine auxcopyin(auxPatch,mi,mj,auxbig,mitot,mjtot,naux,i1,i2,j1,j2,iglo,jglo)
258 integer :: mi, mj, naux, mitot, mjtot, i1, i2,j1, j2, iglo, ighi, jglo, jghi
261 real(kind=8),
intent(in out) :: auxbig(naux,mitot,mjtot)
262 real(kind=8),
intent(in out) :: auxPatch(naux,mi,mj)
274 auxpatch(:,1:mi,1:mj) = auxbig(:,ist:ist+mi-1, jst:jst+mj-1)
subroutine patchcopyout(nvar, valpatch, mi, mj, valbig, mitot, mjtot, i1, i2, j1, j2, iglo, jglo)
recursive subroutine prefilrecur(level, nvar, valbig, auxbig, naux, time, mitot, mjtot, nrowst, ncolst, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, iglo, ighi, jglo, jghi, patchOnly)
For periodic boundary conditions more work needed to fill the piece of the boundary.
integer, dimension(maxlv) iregsz
real(kind=8), dimension(maxlv) hyposs
real(kind=8), dimension(maxlv) hxposs
integer, dimension(maxlv) jregsz
integer pure function iaddscratch(n, i, j)
integer pure function iadd(ivar, i, j)
real(kind=8), parameter needs_to_be_set
recursive subroutine filrecur(level, nvar, valbig, aux, naux, t, mitot, mjtot, nrowst, ncolst, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, patchOnly, msrc)
Fill a region (patch) described by:
subroutine auxcopyin(auxPatch, mi, mj, auxbig, mitot, mjtot, naux, i1, i2, j1, j2, iglo, jglo)
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
subroutine setaux(mbc, mx, my, xlower, ylower, dx, dy, maux, aux)
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable alloc