Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c
2 c -----------------------------------------------------------
3 c
4  subroutine reclam (index, nwords)
5 c
6 c ::::::::::::::::::::::::: RECLAM :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
7 c
13 c
14 c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::
15 c
16  use amr_module
17  implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
20 !$OMP CRITICAL (MemMgmt)
22 c
23  do 20 i = 1, lenf
24  iplace = i
25  if (lfree(i,1) .gt. index) go to 30
26  20 continue
27  write(outunit,902)
28  write(*,902)
29  902 format(' no insertion pointer into freelist. error stop')
30  stop
31 c
32 c check previous segment for merging
33 c
34  30 iprev = iplace - 1
35  if (lfree(iprev,1)+lfree(iprev,2) .lt. index) go to 40
36  lfree(iprev,2) = lfree(iprev,2) + nwords
37  go to 50
38 c
39 c check after segment - no previous merge case
40 c
41  40 nexti = index + nwords
42  if (lfree(iplace,1).ne. nexti) go to 70
43  lfree(iplace,1) = index
44  lfree(iplace,2) = lfree(iplace,2) + nwords
45  go to 99
46 c
47 c check following segment - yes previous merge case
48 c
49  50 nexti = index + nwords
50  if (lfree(iplace,1) .ne. nexti) go to 99
51 c
52 c forward merge as well, bump all down 1
53 c
54  lfree(iprev,2) = lfree(iprev,2)+lfree(iplace,2)
55  ipp1 = iplace + 1
56  do 60 i = ipp1, lenf
57  lfree(i-1,1) = lfree(i,1)
58  60 lfree(i-1,2) = lfree(i,2)
59  lenf = lenf - 1
60  go to 99
61 c
62 c no merges case - insert and bump future segments up to make room
63 c
64  70 if (lenf .eq. lfdim) go to 900
65  do 80 ii = iplace, lenf
66  i = lenf + 1 - ii + iplace
67  lfree(i,1) = lfree(i-1,1)
68  80 lfree(i,2) = lfree(i-1,2)
69  lenf = lenf + 1
70  lfree(iplace,1) = index
71  lfree(iplace,2) = nwords
72  go to 99
73 c
74  900 write(outunit,901) lfdim
75  write(*,901) lfdim
76  901 format(' free list full with ',i5,' items')
77  stop
78 c
79  99 lentot = lentot - nwords
80  if (sprint) write(outunit,100) nwords, index, lentot
81  100 format(' reclaiming ',i8,' words at loc. ',i8,' lentot ',i10)
85  return
86  end
logical sprint
Definition: amr_module.f90:297
subroutine reclam(index, nwords)
Definition: reclam.f:5
integer, parameter lfdim
Definition: amr_module.f90:224
integer lentot
Definition: amr_module.f90:247
integer, parameter outunit
Definition: amr_module.f90:290
integer, dimension(lfdim, 2) lfree
Definition: amr_module.f90:225
integer lenf
Definition: amr_module.f90:225
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
Definition: amr_module.f90:21