Output data styles and formats¶
Output style¶
In Specifying classic run-time parameters in setrun.py, the style of specifying output times can be specified by setting the parameter output_style. This can be illustrated by a typical example from a setrun.py file:
clawdata.output_style = 1
if clawdata.output_style==1:
# Output nout frames at equally spaced times up to tfinal:
clawdata.num_output_times = 2
clawdata.tfinal = 2*3600.
clawdata.output_t0 = True # output at initial (or restart) time?
elif clawdata.output_style == 2:
# Specify a list of output times.
clawdata.output_times = [0, 1800, 7200]
elif clawdata.output_style == 3:
# Output every iout timesteps with a total of ntot time steps:
clawdata.output_step_interval = 1
clawdata.total_steps = 3
clawdata.output_t0 = False
In this case setting clawdata.output_style==1 results in outputs at times clawdata.t0, 1800, and 3600 (equally spaced in time). Setting clawdata.output_style==2 results in outputs at times 0, 1800, and 7200 (not necessarily equally spaced). Setting clawdata.output_style==3 results in outputs after 1, 2, and 3 time steps on the coarsest grid (used primarily for debugging, or in cases where you do not want the time steps to be adjusted to hit specific output times).
Output data formats¶
In AMRClaw and GeoClaw, the format for the output data (solutions) can be specified by setting the parameter output_format to ‘ascii’, ‘binary64’, or ‘binary32’. (The single-grid classic code only supports ASCII output at this time.)
To read the solution stored in these files into Python for plotting or other postprocessing purposes, utilities are provided that are described in Pyclaw Input/Output Package.
Setting output_format = ‘ascii’ gives ASCII text output. The data files can then be viewed with any standard text editor, which is particularly useful for debugging. However, ASCII files are generally much larger than is necessary to store the original data in binary form, and so when grid have many grid cells or when many output frames are saved it is often better to use some form of binary output, see Raw binary output data formats.
In AMRClaw and GeoClaw, ASCII and binary output are both written by the library routine valout.f90. The aux arrays are also dumped if requested, see Output of aux arrays.
ASCII output data format¶
Two output files are created at each output time (each frame). The frames are generally numbered 0, 1, 2, etc. The two files, at frame 2, for example, are called fort.t0002 and fort.q0002.
This file has the typical form:
0.40000000E+00 time
1 meqn
36 ngrids
0 naux
2 ndim
2 nghost
ascii format
This file contains only 7 lines with information about the current time and the number of AMR patches at this time, along with other metadata needed for reading the AMR data properly.
In the above example, Frame 2 contains 36 patches. If you are using the classic code or PyClaw with only a single patch, then ngrids would be 1.
The data for all 36 patches is contained in fort.q0002. The data from each patch is preceeded by a header that tells where the patch is located in the domain, how many grid cells it contains, and what the cell size is, e.g.
This header has the typical form:
1 grid_number
1 AMR_level
40 mx
40 my
0.00000000E+00 xlow
0.00000000E+00 ylow
0.25000000E-01 dx
0.25000000E-01 dy
This would be followed by 40*40 = 1600 lines with the data from cells (i,j). The order they are written is (in Fortran style):
do j = 1,my
do i = 1,mx
write (q(i,j,m), m=1,meqn)
Each line has meqn (change to num_eqn?) values, for the components of the system in this grid cell.
After the data for this patch, there would be another header for the next patch, followed by its data, etc.
In the header, xlow and ylow are the coordinates of the lower left corner of the patch, dx and dy are the cell width in x and y, and AMR_level is the level of refinement, where 1 is the coarsest level. Each patch has a unique grid_number that usually isn’t needed for visualization purposes.
Raw binary output data formats¶
New in v5.9.0: Previously the user could specify output_format=’binary’ for binary format. Starting in v5.9.0, the user can specify either output_format=’binary64’ or output_format=’binary32’. For backward compatibility, the former is equivalent to specifying output_format=’binary’ and dumps full 8-byte precision values. The new ‘binary32’ option truncates the solution values to 4-bytes before writing, cutting the file size in half. For most applications, this should still give sufficient precision for plotting purposes.
The files for each frame are numbered as for the ASCII file and the fort.t0002 file, for example, is still an ASCII file with 7 lines of metadata. There are also ASCII files such as fort.q0002, but these now contain only the headers for each grid patch and not the solution on each patch. In addition there are files such as fort.b0002 that contain a raw binary dump of the data from all of the grid patches at this time, one after another. In order to decompose this data into patches for plotting, the fort.q0002 file must be used.
Unlike the ASCII data files, the binary output files contain ghost cells as well as the interior cells (since a contiguous block of memory is dumped for each patch with a single write statement).
NetCDF output data format¶
NetCDF output is not currently supported in Clawpack. This is not a suitable format for AMR style data.
Output of aux arrays¶
The contents of aux arrays can also be output along with each time frame. Which components are output is controlled by the setrun variable clawdata.output_aux_components, which can be ‘none’ (default) or ‘all’ currently. The values, if desired, will go into files fort.aXXXX that have the same format as the q data, as specifed by output_format. Set output_aux_onlyonce to True if the aux arrays do not change with time and you only want to output these arrays once.