- class clawpack.pyclaw.classic.solver.ClawSolver(riemann_solver=None, claw_package=None)¶
Generic classic Clawpack solver
All Clawpack solvers inherit from this base class.
- mthlim¶
Limiter(s) to be used. Specified either as one value or a list. If one value, the specified limiter is used for all wave families. If a list, the specified values indicate which limiter to apply to each wave family. Take a look at pyclaw.limiters.tvd for an enumeration.
Default = limiters.tvd.minmod
- order¶
Order of the solver, either 1 for first order (i.e., Godunov’s method) or 2 for second order (Lax-Wendroff-LeVeque).
Default = 2
- source_split¶
Which source splitting method to use: 1 for first order Godunov splitting and 2 for second order Strang splitting.
Default = 1
- fwave¶
Whether to split the flux jump (rather than the jump in Q) into waves; requires that the Riemann solver performs the splitting.
Default = False
- step_source¶
Handle for function that evaluates the source term. The required signature for this function is:
def step_source(solver,state,dt)
- kernel_language¶
Specifies whether to use wrapped Fortran routines (‘Fortran’) or pure Python (‘Python’).
Default = 'Fortran'
- verbosity¶
The level of detail of logged messages from the Fortran solver.
Default = 0
- setup(solution)¶
Perform essential solver setup. This routine must be called before solver.step() may be called.
- step(solution, take_one_step, tstart, tend)¶
Evolve solution one time step
The elements of the algorithm for taking one step are:
Pick a step size as specified by the base solver attribute
A half step on the source term
if Strang splitting is being used (source_split
= 2)A step on the homogeneous problem \(q_t + f(q)_x = 0\) is taken
A second half step or a full step is taken on the source term
depending on whether Strang splitting was used (source_split
= 2) or Godunov splitting (source_split
= 1)
This routine is called from the method evolve_to_time defined in the pyclaw.solver.Solver superclass.
- Input:
solution - (
) solution to be evolved
- Output:
(bool) - True if full step succeeded, False otherwise
- step_hyperbolic(solution)¶
Take one homogeneous step on the solution.
This is a dummy routine and must be overridden.
- class clawpack.pyclaw.sharpclaw.solver.SharpClawSolver(riemann_solver=None, claw_package=None)¶
Superclass for all SharpClawND solvers.
Implements Runge-Kutta time stepping and the basic form of a semi-discrete step (the dq() function). If another method-of-lines solver is implemented in the future, it should be based on this class, which then ought to be renamed to something like “MOLSolver”.
- lim_type¶
- Limiter(s) to be used.
0: No limiting.
1: TVD reconstruction.
2: WENO reconstruction.
Default = 2
- weno_order¶
Order of the WENO reconstruction. From 1st to 17th order (PyWENO)
Default = 5
- time_integrator¶
Time integrator to be used. Currently implemented methods:
‘Euler’ : 1st-order Forward Euler integration
‘SSP33’ : 3rd-order strong stability preserving method of Shu & Osher
‘SSP104’ : 4th-order strong stability preserving method Ketcheson
- ‘SSPLMM32’: 2nd-order strong stability preserving 3-step linear multistep method,
using Euler for starting values
- ‘SSPLMM43’: 3rd-order strong stability preserving 4-step linear multistep method
using SSPRK22 for starting values
- ‘RK’Arbitrary Runge-Kutta method, specified by setting solver.a
and solver.b to the Butcher arrays of the method.
- ‘LMM’Arbitrary linear multistep method, specified by setting the
coefficient arrays solver.alpha and solver.beta.
Default = 'SSP104'
- char_decomp¶
Type of WENO reconstruction. 0: conservative variables WENO reconstruction (standard). 1: Wave-slope reconstruction. 2: characteristic-wise WENO reconstruction. 3: transmission-based WENO reconstruction.
Default = 0
- tfluct_solver¶
Whether a total fluctuation solver have to be used. If True the function that calculates the total fluctuation must be provided.
Default = False
- tfluct¶
Pointer to Fortran routine to calculate total fluctuation
Default = default_tfluct (None)
- aux_time_dep¶
Whether the auxiliary array is time dependent.
Default = False
- kernel_language¶
Specifies whether to use wrapped Fortran routines (‘Fortran’) or pure Python (‘Python’).
Default = 'Fortran'
- num_ghost¶
Number of ghost cells.
Default = 3
- fwave¶
Whether to split the flux jump (rather than the jump in Q) into waves; requires that the Riemann solver performs the splitting.
Default = False
- cfl_desired¶
Desired CFL number.
Default = 2.45
- cfl_max¶
Maximum CFL number.
Default = 2.50
- dq_src¶
Whether a source term is present. If it is present the function that computes its contribution must be provided.
Default = None
- call_before_step_each_stage¶
Whether to call the method self.before_step before each RK stage.
Default = False
- accept_reject_step(state)¶
Decide whether to accept or not the current step. For Runge-Kutta methods the step is accepted if cfl <= cfl_max. For SSPLMM32 the choice of step-size guarantees the cfl condition is satisfied for the steps the LMM is used. Hence, we need to check the cfl condition only for the starting steps.
- check_3rd_ord_cond(state, step_index, dtFE)¶
This routine checks the additional conditions for the 3rd-order SSPLMMs. This is a posteriori check after a step is accepted. In particular, there is a condition on the step size for the starting values and a condition on the ratio of forward Euler step sizes at very step. If the conditions are violated we muct retrieve the previous solution and discard that step; otherwise the step is accepted.
- dq(state)¶
Evaluate dq/dt * (delta t)
- dqdt(state)¶
Evaluate dq/dt. This routine is used for implicit time stepping.
- get_dt_new()¶
Set size of next step depending on the time integrator and whether or not the current step was accepted.
- setup(solution)¶
Allocate RK stage arrays or previous step solutions and fortran routine work arrays.
- step(solution, take_one_step, tstart, tend)¶
Evolve q over one time step.
Take one step with a Runge-Kutta or multistep method as specified by solver.time_integrator.
- update_saved_values(state, step_index)¶
Updates lists of saved function evaluations, solution values, dt and dtFE for LMMs. For 3rd-order SSPLMM additional conditions are checked if self.check_lmm_cond is set to True. If these conditions are violated, the step is rejected.