Checkpointing and restarting


These instructions currently only apply to amrclaw and geoclaw codes.

Checkpointing a computation

In this section clawdata refers to the rundata.clawdata attribute of an object of class ClawRunData, as is generally set at the top of a file.

The rundata.clawdata.checkpt_style parameter specified in (see Specifying classic run-time parameters in determines how often checkpointing is done, if at all. The checkpoint files are saved in the same output directory as the solution

If clawdata.checkpt_style is a positive integer then a new checkpoint file will be created at each checkpoint time with a file name that includes the number of coarse grid time steps taken so far, in the form fort.chkNNNNN. This is a (possibly very large) binary file that contains all the information needed to restart the calculation at this point. There will also be a 2-line ASCII file fort.tchkNNNNN that contains the time of this checkpoint and the number of coarse steps taken so far.

If clawdata.checkpt_style is a negative integer then the checkpoint files will alternate between fort.chkaaaaa and fort.chkbbbbb, overwriting any previous version. This insures that there is always at least one full checkpoint file available but never more than two, in order to save disk space since these files can be huge. Negative styles are generally appropriate if you simply want to make sure there’s a recent checkpoint file available in case the code dies due to a time limit or disk space quota being exceeded, for example.

The available checkpoint styles are:

  • If clawdata.checkpt_style==0, then no checkpoints are saved.

  • If abs(clawdata.checkpt_style)==1, then a checkpoint will be saved only at the final time (useful if you might need to restart and run out longer).

  • If abs(clawdata.checkpt_style)==2, then a checkpoint will be done at the times specified by the list clawdata.checkpt_times.

  • If abs(clawdata.checkpt_style)==3, then a checkpoint will be done every clawdata.checkpt_interval steps on the coarsest grid.

  • If abs(clawdata.checkpt_style)==4, then a checkpoint will be done at each output time (as specified in various ways depending on the value of clawdata.output_style.

Note that if abs(clawdata.checkpt_style) is 1 or 2 then specific checkpoint times are specified. If these do not agree with output times on the coarsest level then the time step may need to be adjusted to hit these times exactly on all levels. For this reason we generally recommend using styles 1, 3 or 4.

See the comments in Sample module for classic Clawpack for examples.

Aborting a computation with a STOP file

As of v5.10.0, it is possible to abort a running computation and have it save a checkpoint file before quitting. Simply create a (possibly empty) file named STOP in the directory from which the (amrclaw or geoclaw) code is running. The code will continue to run until the current coarse level time step has been completed (which may require many time steps on finer levels). At this point all levels are at the same time and it is possible to write a checkpoint file that can be used for restarting. The checkpoint file will be named fort.chkNNNNN based on the number of coarse time steps taken so far (if abs(checkpt_style) >= 0) or the next available fort.chkaaaaa or fort.chkbbbbb if a negative checkpt_style was specified.

Note that an the usual AMR output may not be written out at the time the calculation quits, unless this time had been specified as an output time. If you want to output the solution at this time without taking any additional time steps, you could do a restart that reads in the final checkpoint file and that has tfinal adjusted in to be earlier than the time of this checkpoint.

Restarting a computation

To restart a computation from any point where checkpoint files have been saved, modify to set:

clawdata.restart = True
clawdata.restart_file = 'fort.chkNNNNN'

where NNNNN is the time step number from which the restart should commence, or replace by aaaaa or bbbbb if a negative checkpt_style was used in the original run, as discussed above.

You should also modify the output time parameters to specify that the computation should go to a later time than the time of the restart file (which can be found in the file fort.tchkNNNNN).

Note the following in setting the new output times:

  • The value clawdata.t0 should generally be left to the original starting time of the computation.

  • If clawdata.output_style==1, then clawdata.t0 and clawdata.tfinal along with clawdata.num_output_times are used to determine equally spaced output times. Only those times greater than the restart time will be used as output times.

    If clawdata.output_t0==True then a time frame will be output at the restart time (not t0 in general). This may duplicate the final frame that was output from the original computation. Set clawdata.output_t0 = False to avoid this.

  • If clawdata.output_style==2, then clawdata.output_times is a list of output times and only those times greater than or equal to the restart time will be used as output times.

No need to modify the Makefile for a restart: As of v5.4.0 it is not necessary to make any changes in the Makefile when doing a restart run. Values set in the file will be used to determine if this is a restart run (in which case the previous output directory should be added to, rather than replaced).

Output files after a restart

After running the restarted computation, the original set of output files should still be in the output directory along with a new set from the second run. Note that one output time may be repeated in two frames if clawdata.output_t0 == True in the restarted run.

New in 5.4.0. Gauge output from the original run is no longer overwritten by the second run. Instead gauge output from the restart run will be appended to the end of each gaugeXXXXX.txt file (or gaugeXXXXX.bin in the case of binary gauge output, introduced in v5.9.0).

Note that if you have to restart a computation from a checkpoint file that is at an earlier time than the original computation reached, then intermediate gauge outputs will be repeated twice, and data from these output files may have to be adjusted to account for this. If multiple restarts are performed from the same checkpoint file then gauge data will accumulate in an undesirable fashion, but for most purposes this does the right thing.