Testing a PyClaw installation and running an example

First ensure that you have Set environment variables and that you have the Installation Prerequisites.

If you downloaded Clawpack manually, you can test your PyClaw installation as follows (starting from your clawpack directory):

cd pyclaw/examples

This should return ‘OK’. (You may need to install nose if nosetests is not on your system.)

Running an example

Many examples of PyClaw simulations can be seen in the PyClaw gallery and Jupyter notebook examples.

You might also want to download the Clawpack Applications repository, which contains additional examples in apps/notebooks/pyclaw.

From the Jupyter notebook

Try any of the notebooks listed under PyClaw in the notebooks.

From the IPython interpreter

Launch an IPython session and then:

from clawpack.pyclaw import examples
claw = examples.shock_bubble_interaction.setup()

From the command line

To run an example and plot the results using PyClaw, simply do the following (starting from your clawpack directory):

cd pyclaw/examples/euler_2d
python shock_bubble_interaction.py iplot=1

That’s it. For next steps with PyClaw, see PyClaw Basics.