v5.11.0 release notes

Clawpack 5.11.0 was released on August 25, 2024. See Installing Clawpack.

Permanent DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13376470

Changes relative to Clawpack 5.10.0 (March 29, 2024) are shown below.

To see more recent changes that are in the the master branch but not yet released, see Changes to master since v5.11.0.

Changes that are not backward compatible

  • In GeoClaw, some new options have been added to the specification of fgout grids. The format and contents of the fgout_grids.data file created by make data has changed. Old-style files can still be read (see below and Fixed grid output (fgout)).

  • In GeoClaw, the transverse Riemann solver used for the SWE step when solving Boussinesq equations was changed to the standard GeoClaw solver, which should cause no noticeable changes.

General changes

Unit testing and continuous integration on Github continue to be broken, but we are working on modifying tests to use pytests (rather than nose) and Github CI (rather than travis).

Changes to classic

  • Some changes to tests.

See classic diffs

Changes to clawutil

  • Fixes to imagediff.py

See clawutil diffs

Changes to visclaw

  • Fixes to kml_maxlevels.

  • Add celledges_linewidth attribute for plotting grid cells.

See visclaw diffs

Changes to riemann

  • update rpn2_geoclaw and geoclaw_riemann_utils to initialize wave components 4:5 to 0 for Boussinesq code. Has no effect on SWE solver.

  • Update to rpt2_layered_shallow_water.f90

See riemann diffs

Changes to amrclaw

  • Some changes to tests.

  • Allow more than 5 digits in gauge numbers.

  • Fix euler_3d_radial initial condition bug.

See amrclaw diffs

Changes to geoclaw

  • Some changes to tests.

  • Some new options have been added to the specification of fgout grids. The format and contents of the fgout_grids.data file created by make data has changed. Old-style files can still be read using:


    New options include specifying output times for fgout grids that are not uniformly spaced in time, and specifying which components of the q array and/or the eta and B variables to write out at each fgout time. For more details see Fixed grid output (fgout).

  • The fgout_tools.py module was also substantially refactored and improved to support use with the Boussinesq solvers and also with D-Claw.

  • For Boussinesq option, switch to using Riemann solvers from the riemann repository to be consistent with SWE version.

  • Change nodata_value in topotools from -9999 to -99999.

  • Fix bug related to tracking pressure at gauges.

  • In examples/tsunami//chile2010_fgmax-fgout, simplify make_fgout_animation.py and add new make_fgout_animation_with_transect.py, and update these for new fgout formatting.

  • Add dZ_format paramegter to DTopography.write function to allow writing fewer digits (making smaller dtopo files).

  • Fix wind issues near r = 0 in center of storms.

  • Allow more than 5 digits in gauge numbers.

  • Fix some gauge plotting issues for storm surge.

  • Numerous other bug fixes and enhancements.

See geoclaw diffs

Changes to PyClaw

  • Some changes related to CI and pytests, still in progress.

See pyclaw diffs

Other Clawpack Repositories

The repositories below are not included in the Clawpack tarfile or pip install, but changes to these repositories may also be of interest.