setaux default routines

For GeoClaw, see setaux routine in GeoClaw.

Below are the default setaux library routines for Classic and AMRClaw. By default these do nothing. If you wish to specify aux arrays you will need to copy one of these files to your application directory and modify it as needed. Remember to change to Makefile to point to the proper version.


System Message: WARNING/2 (/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/tmpncwe3lmk/24e2c68df118c5a00b116198860c806cae4b064d/setaux_defaults.rst, line 18)

Include file ‘/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/classic/src/1d/setaux.f90’ not found or reading it failed


System Message: WARNING/2 (/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/tmpncwe3lmk/24e2c68df118c5a00b116198860c806cae4b064d/setaux_defaults.rst, line 24)

Include file ‘/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/classic/src/2d/setaux.f90’ not found or reading it failed


System Message: WARNING/2 (/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/tmpncwe3lmk/24e2c68df118c5a00b116198860c806cae4b064d/setaux_defaults.rst, line 30)

Include file ‘/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/classic/src/3d/setaux.f90’ not found or reading it failed

setaux routine in GeoClaw

In GeoClaw, there is a library routine that sets aux(1,i,j) to the cell average of the bathymetry, aux(2,i,j) to the ratio of the true cell area to dx*dy (the capacity function), and aux(3,i,j) to the length ratio of the bottom edge to dx (The latter two quantities vary with latitude when coordinate_system == 2).


System Message: WARNING/2 (/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/tmpncwe3lmk/24e2c68df118c5a00b116198860c806cae4b064d/setaux_defaults.rst, line 48)

Include file ‘/var/folders/_s/dx0xgftn3_x04rdx0_w5nq7w0000gn/T/geoclaw/src/2d/shallow/setaux.f90’ not found or reading it failed