Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c
2 c -------------------------------------------------------------
3 c
4  subroutine errest (nvar,naux,lcheck,mptr,nx,ny)
5 c
6  use amr_module
7  implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
8 c
9 c ### changed to stack based storage 2/23/13
10 c ### and broken into smaller routines to minimize
11 c ### stack space
13  double precision valbgc(nvar,nx/2+2*nghost,ny/2+2*nghost)
14  double precision auxbgc(naux,nx/2+2*nghost,ny/2+2*nghost)
17 c :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ERREST :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
24 c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
25 c
26  mitot = nx + 2*nghost
27  mjtot = ny + 2*nghost
28  locnew = node(store1,mptr)
29  locold = node(store2,mptr)
30  locaux = node(storeaux,mptr)
31  mi2tot = nx/2 + 2*nghost
32  mj2tot = ny/2 + 2*nghost
33 c
34 c prepare double the stencil size worth of boundary values,
35 c then coarsen them for the giant step integration.
36  midub = nx+4*nghost
37  mjdub = ny+4*nghost
38 c
39  call prepbigstep(nvar,naux,lcheck,mptr,nx,ny,midub,
40  . mjdub,valbgc,auxbgc,mi2tot,mj2tot)
42 c
43 c the one giant step based on old values is done. now take
44 c one regular step based on new values.
45 c boundary values already in locbig, (see subr. flagger)
46 c
47  locbig = node(tempptr,mptr)
48  locaux = node(storeaux,mptr)
49  call prepregstep(nvar,naux,lcheck,mptr,nx,ny,mitot,mjtot,
50  . alloc(locbig),alloc(locaux))
51 c
52 c ## locamrflags allocated in flagger. may previously have been used
53 c ## by flag2refine so make sure not to overwrite
54  locamrflags = node(storeflags, mptr)
55  mbuff = max(nghost,ibuff+1)
56  mibuff = nx + 2*mbuff
57  mjbuff = ny + 2*mbuff
58  call errf1(alloc(locbig),nvar,valbgc,mptr,mi2tot,mj2tot,
59  1 mitot,mjtot,alloc(locamrflags),mibuff,mjbuff)
61 c
62  return
63  end
subroutine errest(nvar, naux, lcheck, mptr, nx, ny)
Definition: errest.f:5
integer, parameter tempptr
temporary pointer
Definition: amr_module.f90:38
integer, dimension(nsize, maxgr) node
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
subroutine prepbigstep(nvar, naux, lcheck, mptr, nx, ny, midub, mjdub, valbgc, auxbgc, mi2tot, mj2tot)
Definition: prepbigstep.f:6
integer, parameter storeflags
pointer to the address of memory storing flags for refinement on this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:123
integer, parameter store1
pointer to the address of memory storing the first copy of solution data on this grid, usually for storing new solution
Definition: amr_module.f90:101
integer ibuff
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, parameter store2
pointer to the address of memory storing the second copy of solution data on this grid...
Definition: amr_module.f90:105
subroutine errf1(rctfine, nvar, rctcrse, mptr, mi2tot, mj2tot, mitot, mjtot, rctflg, mibuff, mjbuff)
Definition: errf1.f:6
subroutine prepregstep(nvar, naux, lcheck, mptr, nx, ny, mitot, mjtot, valbig, auxbig)
Definition: prepregstep.f:6
integer nghost
Definition: amr_module.f90:232
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
Definition: amr_module.f90:21
integer, parameter storeaux
pointer to the address of memory storing auxiliary data on this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:120
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable alloc
Definition: amr_module.f90:218