setdomflags.f File Reference

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subroutine setdomflags (mptr, igridflags, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff, lbase, lcheck, mibuff, mjbuff)
 set domain flags (not AMR flags) for grid mptr (only), enlarged by buffer zone. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ setdomflags()

subroutine setdomflags (   mptr,
integer*1, dimension(ilo-mbuff:ihi+mbuff,jlo-mbuff:jhi+mbuff)  igridflags,

set domain flags (not AMR flags) for grid mptr (only), enlarged by buffer zone.

mptrnumber (index) of the grid being processed
igridflagspointer to memory address storing domain flags (not AMR flags)
iloglobal i index of left-most cell of this grid
ihiglobal i index of right-most cell of this grid
jloglobal j index of lower-most cell of this grid
jhiglobal j index of upper-most cell of this grid
mbuffwidth of buffer zone
lbasebase AMR level for current refinement, which stays fixed. Note that lbase is always less or equal to lcheck
lcheckAMR level of grid mptr
mibuffnumber of cells (including buffer zone) on grid mptr in i direction
mjbuffnumber of cells (including buffer zone) on grid mptr in j direction

Definition at line 24 of file setdomflags.f.

References amr_module::alloc, coarsegridflagset(), amr_module::domflags2, griddomcopy(), griddomshrink(), griddomup(), amr_module::intratx, amr_module::intraty, amr_module::iregsz, amr_module::jregsz, amr_module::levelptr, amr_module::lstart, amr_module::ndihi, amr_module::ndilo, amr_module::ndjhi, amr_module::ndjlo, amr_module::node, setindices(), setphysbndryflags(), amr_module::xperdom, and amr_module::yperdom.

Referenced by bufnst2(), and domgrid().

25  use amr_module
27  integer*1 igridflags(ilo-mbuff:ihi+mbuff,jlo-mbuff:jhi+mbuff)
28 c icopy is dimensioned large enough, but will be used at several sizes
29 c and accessed using lo_i-mbuff:hi_i+mbuff, etc.
30 c
31  integer*1 icopy(mibuff,mjbuff)
32  dimension ist(3), iend(3), jst(3), jend(3), ishift(3), jshift(3)
33  dimension igridst(lcheck), igridend(lcheck)
34  dimension jgridst(lcheck), jgridend(lcheck)
35  logical borderx, bordery
37 c
38 c set domain flags for this grid only, enlarged by buffer zone. check if any other base grids
39 c are in exterior or first interior border cell and mark ok.
40 c note that interior of base grids 1 away from edge are automatically ok for proper nesting
41 c will shrink gridflags after setting to get proper nesting region
42 c
43 c 1. initialize this grids domain flags to 0, at lcheck
44  igridflags = 0
45 c
46 c ... if lbase coarse than lcheck, set initial indices, before upscaling, for base transfer
47 c so that dont have entire base grid upscaled
48  igridst(lcheck) = ilo
49  igridend(lcheck) = ihi
50  jgridst(lcheck) = jlo
51  jgridend(lcheck) = jhi
52  do lc = lcheck-1,lbase,-1 !NB: may be a 0 trip do loop, not old fortran
53  ilo_coarse = floor(dfloat(igridst(lc+1))/intratx(lc))
54  jlo_coarse = floor(dfloat(jgridst(lc+1))/intraty(lc))
55  ihi_coarse = ceiling(dfloat(igridend(lc+1))/intratx(lc)) - 1
56  jhi_coarse = ceiling(dfloat(jgridend(lc+1))/intraty(lc)) - 1
57  if (ihi_coarse*intratx(lc) .lt. igridend(lc+1))
58  . ihi_coarse = ihi_coarse+1
59  if (jhi_coarse*intraty(lc) .lt. jgridend(lc+1))
60  . jhi_coarse = jhi_coarse+1
61  igridend(lc) = ihi_coarse
62  jgridend(lc) = jhi_coarse
63  igridst(lc) = ilo_coarse
64  jgridst(lc) = jlo_coarse
65  end do
66 ! get out coarsened indices in case level lbase == lcheck (zero trip loop)
67  ilo_coarse = igridst(lbase)
68  ihi_coarse = igridend(lbase)
69  jlo_coarse = jgridst(lbase)
70  jhi_coarse = jgridend(lbase)
71  ! If we project grid mptr to level "lbase" to get a grid on that
72  ! level, ilo_coarse is global index of its left border and similarly
73  ! for other three
75 c
76 c 3. loop over all intersecting grids at base level staying fixed
77 c to make the proper nesting dodmain.
78 c set the buffer zone in igridflags to 1 if nested
79 c this is so when shrink by one you dont lose too much area.
80 c
81  mbase = lstart(lbase)
82  20 continue
84  iblo = node(ndilo,mbase) ! if base grid coarser, need to scale up
85  ibhi = node(ndihi,mbase) ! if same grid will just mark interior cells as 1
86  jblo = node(ndjlo,mbase)
87  jbhi = node(ndjhi,mbase)
88 c
89 c 3.5 if periodic bcs, then if grids buffer sticks out, will have to wrap the
90 c coordinates and flag any intersecting base grids for wrapped buffer.
91 c do here instead of above since cant coarsen mbuff same way you can for regular grid
92 c also grid itself (without enlarged mbuff zone) doesnt stick out
94  borderx = (ilo_coarse.le. 0 .or. ihi_coarse.ge.iregsz(lbase)-1)
95  bordery = (jlo_coarse.le. 0 .or. jhi_coarse.ge.jregsz(lbase)-1)
96  if ((xperdom .and. borderx) .or. (yperdom .and. bordery)) then
97  call setindices(ist,iend,jst,jend,
98  . ilo_coarse-mbuff,ihi_coarse+mbuff,
99  . jlo_coarse-mbuff,jhi_coarse+mbuff,
100  . ishift,jshift,lbase)
102  do 25 i = 1, 3
103  i1 = max(ilo_coarse-mbuff,ist(i))
104  i2 = min(ihi_coarse+mbuff,iend(i))
105  do 24 j = 1, 3
106  j1 = max(jlo_coarse-mbuff,jst(j))
107  j2 = min(jhi_coarse+mbuff, jend(j))
109  if (.not. ((i1 .le. i2) .and. (j1 .le. j2))) go to 24 ! part of patch in this region
110 c
111 c part of patch is in this region [i,j]
112 c periodically wrap and fill if it intersects with grid mbase
113 c note: this is done in two steps in hopes of greater clarity
116 c usual check would be -> if ((i1 .gt. i2) .or. (j1 .gt. j2)) go to 24 ! no patch
117 c cant do that since have not yet included buffer zone - which is the part that would get wrapped
119 c patch exist. does it intersect with mbase grid?
120 c use wrapped coords of this grid to test if intersects with base grid
121  ixlo = max(iblo,i1+ishift(i))
122  ixhi = min(ibhi,i2+ishift(i))
123  jxlo = max(jblo,j1+jshift(j))
124  jxhi = min(jbhi,j2+jshift(j))
125 c
126  if ((ixlo .gt. ixhi) .or. (jxlo .gt. jxhi)) go to 24 !this grid doesnt intersect
127 c
128 c if wrapped region does intersect, be careful to set the INTERSECTED part of
129 c the UNWRAPPED region of original enlarged grid
130  ixlo_unwrapped = ixlo - ishift(i)
131  ixhi_unwrapped = ixhi - ishift(i)
132  jxlo_unwrapped = jxlo - jshift(j)
133  jxhi_unwrapped = jxhi - jshift(j)
134  call coarsegridflagset(igridflags,
135  . ixlo_unwrapped,ixhi_unwrapped,
136  . jxlo_unwrapped,jxhi_unwrapped,
137  . ilo_coarse,ihi_coarse,
138  . jlo_coarse,jhi_coarse,mbuff)
140  24 continue
141  25 continue
143  else
144  ixlo = max(iblo,ilo_coarse-mbuff)
145  ixhi = min(ibhi,ihi_coarse+mbuff)
146  jxlo = max(jblo,jlo_coarse-mbuff)
147  jxhi = min(jbhi,jhi_coarse+mbuff)
148 c
149 c does this patch intersect mbase grid?
150  if (.not.((ixlo .le. ixhi) .and. (jxlo .le. jxhi))) go to 30 !this grid doesnt intersect
151 c
152 c use subroutine call since dimension of igridflags not same as above declaration
153 c when on coarser grids
154  call coarsegridflagset(igridflags,ixlo,ixhi,jxlo,jxhi,
155  . ilo_coarse,ihi_coarse,
156  . jlo_coarse,jhi_coarse,mbuff)
157  endif
159  30 mbase = node(levelptr,mbase)
160  if (mbase .ne. 0) go to 20
161 c
162 c 3.5 set any part of grid buffer zone to 1 that is at physical boundary
163  call setphysbndryflags(igridflags,ilo_coarse,ihi_coarse,
164  . jlo_coarse,jhi_coarse,mbuff,lbase)
166 c 4. done setting flags on base level. next step is to transfer the
167 c properly nested domain flags to lcheck - i.e. upscale to level needed
168 c first shrink by 1 for actual nested region.
169 c always shrink once - so works if lcheck same as lbase
170 c if going up 1 level each one needs to be nested, so still shrink first before upsizing
171 c
172 c after loop above, dom flags in igridflags, copy to icopy (in subr for dimensioning reasons)
173  call griddomcopy(icopy,igridflags,ilo_coarse,ihi_coarse,
174  . jlo_coarse,jhi_coarse,mbuff)
175 c
176 c shrink from icopy to dom2 flag array. This is where shrinking occurs if
177 c lbase = lcheck, for proper nesting
178  call griddomshrink(icopy,ilo_coarse,ihi_coarse,jlo_coarse,
179  . jhi_coarse,mbuff,
180  . alloc(node(domflags2,mptr)),lbase)
182  do 40 lev = lbase+1, lcheck
183 c ### for each level that upsize, calculate new coords starting from
184 c ### actual fine grid and recoarsening down to needed level
185 c ### cant take previous coarse coords and refine, since may be
186 c ### too large. grid prob. not anchored at base grid corner.
187  ilo_fine = igridst(lev)
188  ihi_fine = igridend(lev)
189  jlo_fine = jgridst(lev)
190  jhi_fine = jgridend(lev)
191 c
192 c flags in dom2, upsize to icopy array with finer dimensions
193  call griddomup(alloc(node(domflags2,mptr)),icopy,
194  . ilo_coarse,ihi_coarse,jlo_coarse,jhi_coarse,
195  . mbuff,lev-1,
196  . ilo_fine,ihi_fine,jlo_fine,jhi_fine)
197 c flags in icopy, shrink one back to dom2
198  call griddomshrink(icopy,ilo_fine,ihi_fine,jlo_fine,jhi_fine,
199  . mbuff,alloc(node(domflags2,mptr)),lev)
200  ilo_coarse = ilo_fine
201  ihi_coarse = ihi_fine
202  jlo_coarse = jlo_fine
203  jhi_coarse = jhi_fine
204 40 continue
205 c
206  return
subroutine griddomup(iflags, iflags2, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff, lev, ilofine, ihifine, jlofine, jhifine)
iflags described flagged cells in a rectangular region described by ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi in level lev index space This subroutine projects iflags to iflag, which has flagging information in a rectangular region described by ilofine, ihifine, jlofine, jhifine in level lev+1 index space
Definition: griddomup.f:18
subroutine setphysbndryflags(iflags, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff, level)
If grid borders the physical domain then set domain flags to 1 in buffer zone (which is outside the p...
integer, dimension(maxlv) iregsz
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
subroutine griddomshrink(iflags2, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff, iflags, level)
Shrink domain flags one cell for allowable properly nested domain This is needed even for lcheck = lb...
Definition: griddomshrink.f:26
integer, parameter ndihi
global i index of right border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:111
integer, dimension(maxlv) jregsz
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, dimension(nsize, maxgr) node
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
logical yperdom
Definition: amr_module.f90:230
integer, parameter domflags2
domain flags, indexed within level-of-this-grid level index space
Definition: amr_module.f90:132
integer, parameter ndilo
global i index of left border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:108
integer, parameter ndjlo
global j index of lower border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:114
integer, dimension(maxlv) lstart
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
subroutine coarsegridflagset(iflags, ixlo, ixhi, jxlo, jxhi, ilo_coarse, ihi_coarse, jlo_coarse, jhi_coarse, mbuff)
Flag a whole subregion from (ixlo,ixhi) to (jxlo, jxhi) with integer.
integer, dimension(maxlv) intraty
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
subroutine setindices(ist, iend, jst, jend, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, ishift, jshift, level)
Definition: setIndices.f:6
integer, parameter ndjhi
global j index of upper border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:117
logical xperdom
Definition: amr_module.f90:230
integer, dimension(maxlv) intratx
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, parameter levelptr
node number (index) of next grid on the same level
Definition: amr_module.f90:35
subroutine griddomcopy(i1, i2, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, mbuff)
Definition: griddomcopy.f:5
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
Definition: amr_module.f90:21
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable alloc
Definition: amr_module.f90:218
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: